
Hosono: Use the MSDF for Sea Lane Defense

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Goshi Hosono

Tokyo -- DPJ Acting Secretary-General Goshi Hosono told an elite audience in Washington DC on Thursday evening that his nation needed to expand the role of the MSDF in defending sea lanes in the Indian Ocean.

He then told reporters that he supported permanent legislation to accomplish these aims.

"Not an indirect method such as the refueling activities in the Indian Ocean; rather, we should have direct participation by the MSDF in sea lane defense. For that purpose, it would be desirable to establish a permanent law," he told reporters.

Meeting with White House officials, Hosono also suggested that he was concerned about Chinese naval activities in the seas south of Japan.

In late May, Hosono was a vocal supporter of former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's decision to sack SDP leader Mizuho Fukushima for her party's resistance to the government's US Marine relocation plan.

"The decision needed to be made," Hosono asserted.

Hosono, 38, is a fourth-term House of Representatives lawmaker who cites the promotion of "healthy nationalism" is being one of his central policy goals.

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