Politics Sudanese in Tokyo Call on Japan to Help Restore Peace in Their Country Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Tokyo- (PanOrient News) The Sudanese community in Tokyo took to the streets on Sunday to protest against the deadly attacks on protesters by the Transitional Military Council in Sudan and called on Japan to help their cause. A statement in Arabic, English and Japanese was read, which called on Japan to support more investigations into the attacks, including the establishment of an international fact-finding committee to identify exactly who ordered them. The statement also asked for Japan’s support in calling off the planned, “factitious” elections by the Transitional Military Council, instead leaving elections up to a civilian government. It additionally requested the release of detainees and the unblocking of internet services so that the international community can “understand the magnitude of the heinous crimes” committed against protesters. ِMr. Faisal al Sheikh, an activist in the Sudanese community, called on Japan to help diffuse the dispute in Sudan. He told PanOrient News that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe went to Iran to diffuse the tension between Iran and the U.S. out of Japan’s concern that stability and security of the Middle East is vital to the economy of Japan. © PanOrient News All Rights Reserved. Politics |