Official Statements

Israel Violates International Law: Japan

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tokyo- (PanOrient News) The Government of Japan has called on Israel to stop all construction in East Jerusalem saying that the Israeli authorities are violating international law.

An official statement by the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo said the Japanese government "Deeply deplores that Israel has approved the construction of 900 units in East Jerusalem, and that the advancement of the Israeli settlement policy, despite frequent criticism from the international community including Japan, clearly undermines the ongoing efforts by the international community toward realizing a two-state solution.” The statement noted that Japan has repeatedly called upon Israel to fully freeze settlement activities and as often stated that settlement activities are a violation of international law

The Government of Japan strongly calls upon the new Israeli government to refrain from any unilateral act that changes the current status quo and to desist from implementing the above-mentioned plan of construction for the sake of progress in the peace process. The official statement went on to say that Japan also "strongly urges both Israeli and Palestinian sides to act toward enhancing mutual trust and to continue to make steady efforts for peace.”

Tokyo has repeatedly issued similar statements that counsel Israel to heed the peace process, but has stopped short of taking measures against Israel's violations of international law.

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