Arab Ambassadors in Japan Condemn Murder of Japanese Hostage
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
PanOrient News
Tokyo - The following is the full text of a statement issued today by Arab Ambassadors in Japan regarding the hostage crisis in which the terrorist group that calls itself "Islamic State” kidnapped two Japanese citizens, Haruna Yokawa, and Kenji Goto. Last week, the terrorist group released a video showing both hostages, and demanded ransom of US$200 Million from Japan within 72 hours for their release or they would face death. The group killed Yokawa after Japan did not meet their demands and is now offering Goto in a prisoner exchange for a woman awaiting execution in Jordan. The woman, Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi, was arrested in Amman in 2005 after failing to detente her bomb in a suicide attack on a Jordanian Hotel.
The Council of Arab Ambassadors in Japan has expressed outrage in the strongest terms over the brutal murder of a Japanese hostage committed by the so-called "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant".
The Council deplores that such barbaric acts are committed,in the name of Islam whose noble values and principles forbid killing of the innocent people, and calls for the protection of captives, POW and asylum seekers.
Furthermore, they are appalled at that disgraceful act which is contrary to the simplest basic common human ethics and values.
The Council also deplores that this crime was committed against a citizen of Japan, a nation and people who have stood on countless occasions beside Islamic and Arab countries and exchanged with them many noble and generous humanitarian gestures.
The Council calls on for the immediate release of hostage KENJI GOTO and his safe return to his family in Japan.
The Council of Arab Ambassadors presently accredited to Japan firmly stands alongside the call to intensify efforts to combat all forms of terrorism that threaten international peace and security. The Council also calls for the expeditious resolution of regional and international crises, especially the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is used as a pretext for terrorism, extremism and fanaticism.
Expressing its heartfelt sympathy and solidarity, the Council of Arab Ambassadors to Japan presents its sincere condolences to the people, the Government of Japan and to the family of the deceased. Photo: Photo: Archive photo of PM Shinzo Abe with Arab Ambassadors during Arab Day 2013 event in Tokyo.
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